5 Irish Fiddle Tunes to Play for St. Patrick's Day (With Sheet Music)

Grab your violin and get ready to celebrate St. Patrick’s day with these 5 Irish songs that sound great on the fiddle!

If you want more Irish Fiddling fun, check out my course, Learn to Play Irish Fiddle in my online studio.

In addition to these great Irish tunes, I’ve got several other tutorials on some fun fiddle classics, like Swallowtail Jig and Red-Haired Boy.

Let’s start our list of great Irish fiddle tunes to play on St. Patrick’s day with a little Whiskey in the Jar!

Whiskey in the Jar: Irish Fiddle Sheet Music

A classic Irish tune, Whiskey in the Jar is perfect for celebrating St. Patrick’s Day. Need some help with adding in bowings?

2. Black Velvet Band: Irish Fiddle Sheet Music

I love this classic Irish song, Black Velvet Band. A little less rollicking than Whiskey in the Jar, but still a great Irish tune that sounds good on the fiddle. Black Velvet Band is in 6/8 time so remember the 8th note gets the beat!

3. Rosin the Bow: Irish Fiddle Sheet Music

While not one of the most famous of Irish songs, Rosin the Bow is one of my personal favorites when it comes to Irish music that sounds great on the fiddle. Need help rosing your bow? Find that and more beginner violin lessons here.

4. Irish Washerwoman: St. Patrick’s Day Fiddle Music

What St. Patrick’s day celebration would be complete without this class Irish fiddling tune?

If you need help learning to play this classic Irish tune, I’ve got a complete tutorial on how to play Irish Washerwoman (with scale warm-ups). Find the tutorial here.

5. Danny Boy: Irish Tunes for Violin

It might night be as lively as Irish Washerwoman, but Danny Boy is such a classic Irish tune that I had to include it in a list of great St. Patrick’s Day fiddle tunes. It’s a great song to end your celebration on, and hey, you can always jazz it up!

If you want to download any of these Irish songs, sign up for my online studio where you’ll get access to 800+ violin lessons and access to a downloadable sheet music library with over 200 songs and books just for violin and fiddle). See you over there!

Enjoy fiddling this St. Patrick’s Day!

Happy Practicing!

3 Easy Fiddle Tunes for Violin (Free Sheet Music)

Easy Fiddle Tunes.jpg

These 3 fiddle tunes for violin sound a lot more difficult than they are! If you are learning to play the violin or teaching yourself to play violin, you’ve probably heard these 3 famous fiddle tunes. I’ve also got tutorials for each tune to show you how to play them and impress your fiddling friends!

No matter what your level of playing, stick with your fiddling practice routine. Before you start playing, always warm-up with my fiddling warm-ups and scales. Then start practicing slowly. Gradually ease up the tempo. Remember, as you play faster use less bow. If you are really ready to start fiddling, check out my favorite fiddle books

Helpful Resources

Devil’s Dream Violin Sheet Music

Devil’s Dream is a classic fiddle tune. Do you see the pattern? Almost every measure is repeated twice. The measures with string crossings (measures 3-4 and measures 9-10) can be tricky. Practice them slowly in the middle of the bow. Also for measure 3, make sure you have your first finger flattened to cover both the B on the A string and the F# on the E string.

===>Click here for the Devil’s Dream Tutorial.


Swallowtail Jig Violin Sheet Music

Like many Irish Jigs, Swallowtail Jig is in 6/8 time, meaning there are 6 notes in a measure and the 8th note gets the beat. Quarter notes get 2 beats and dotted quarter notes get 3 beats. In the first full measure keep your first finger down on the D and A string at the same time so you can quickly play those notes.

===>Click here to download the free sheet music for Swallowtail Jig. You can also learn all the tips and tricks of Swallowtail Jig with my video lesson on Swallowtail Jig for violin. There’s also a play-along track for Swallowtail Jig on the violin and a fiddle duet for Swallowtail Jig.

Swallowtail Jig_Free_Violin_Sheet_Music_Meadowlark_Violi-1.png

Irish Washerwoman Violin Sheet Music

Once you’ve gotten a handle on 6/8 time, try sheet music for Irish Washerwoman. Keep fingers down as much as possible to help you play the notes quickly.

===>Click here to get the free sheet music for Irish Washerwoman + my tutorial!

P.S. If you’re tired of that cheap violin you bought on Amazon and you’re ready to REALLY enjoy playing the violin, I’m here to help you out! I’m on a mission to ban VSOs (violin-shaped-objects). Check out my ultimate guide to he best teacher-approved beginner and intermediate violins.

NOW you can practice happy :)

How to Play “Silent Night”: Violin Tutorial and Free Sheet Music

“Silent Night” sounds absolutely beautiful on the violin. But it can be deceptively tricky to get that “Silent Night” sound. In this tutorial I’ll show you how to avoid certain areas of the bow to get that smooth sound you want. We’ll also talk about finger patterns, stretching for those difficult fourth fingers, and how to use your bow to make the beginning and ending notes magical!

Let’s get started learning “Silent Night” on the violin! First download your free sheet music below and then watch the tutorial for all of my tips and tricks. Then play-along with me!

Download and Print Your Free Silent Night Violin Sheet Music Here

Click here to download the free sheet music for Silent Night.

Want more violin tutorials sent to your inbox?

Sign up for my newsletter below and you’ll get updates anytime I upload new song tutorials (plus get some free violin printable goodies as well!)

    Now watch the tutorial here and let’s learn “Silent Night” together on the violin!

    Easy Christmas Songs for Violin--Free Sheet Music

    This collection of violin Christmas sheet music will keep you busy this holiday season! Christmas is a great time to sit around the fire, have a cup of hot chocolate and play violin Christmas songs with friends and family. I’ve complied a list of my favorite easy Christmas violin songs and carols that are great for brand new beginners or seasoned violin players looking for a good selection of sheet music for Christmas.

    While I love writing out these easy violin Christmas carols, like all of the sheet music I produce on my website, they take a considerable amount of time to arrange, edit, test-play, and upload. If you would like to download any of these easy Christmas violin songs, you can (and much more) when you sign up to my online studio.Try it out here!

    Enjoy playing these easy Christmas violin songs this holiday season!

    Helpful Holiday Resources

    Angels We Have Heard On High Violin Sheet Music

    This popular Christmas hymn can be relatively simple to play on violin since most of it is like a descending G major scales. Watch out for those low 2s on the A string!


    Away in a Manger Violin Sheet Music


    Carol of the Bells Violin Sheet Music

    Carol of the Bells is a classic easy Christmas song that sounds great on the violin. Add in those slurs when you are ready. I’ve added some optional fingerings for that tricky ascending scale part. Use low 1st finger for the D sharps.


    Deck The Halls Violin Sheet Music

    More low 2s on the A string and E string here for Deck the Halls on the violin.


    The First Noel Violin Sheet Music

    This is another one of my favorite easy Christmas songs for the violin. The First Noel for violin is in good ole’ D major, so normal or “high” 2nd fingers for the F sharps and C sharps.


    Hark! The Herald Angels Sing Violin Sheet Music


    Jolly Old St. Nicolas Free Violin Sheet Music

    Jolly Old St. Nicholas is a great, easy Christmas song to play on the violin if you are just starting out.

    Jolly Old St. Nicholas Violin Sheet Music

    Jolly Old St. Nicholas Violin Sheet Music

    Joy To The World Violin Sheet Music

    Joy to the World is an easy Christmas violin song since it starts out like a descending D major scale. Use lots of bow for that grand, magnificent sound!

    Joy to the world violin sheet music

    Joy to the world violin sheet music

    O Come All Ye Faithful Violin Sheet Music

    O Come All Ye Faithful is one of my favorite Christmas songs to play on the violin. This version is in G major so high F#s for the D string and low C naturals for the A string.

    o come all ye faithful/ adeste fideles violin sheet music

    o come all ye faithful/ adeste fideles violin sheet music

    O Come Emmanuel Violin Sheet Music

    o come emmanuel violin sheet music

    o come emmanuel violin sheet music

    O Little Town of Bethlehem Violin Sheet Music


    Silent Night Violin Sheet Music

    Silent night violin sheet music

    We Wish You A Merry Christmas Sheet Music


    What Child Is This (Greensleeves) Violin Sheet Music

    If you are ready for a little more of a challenge, try this violin sheet music for What Child Is This or Greensleeves. It has one flat: B flat which means 1st fingers on the A string will be low (right next to the nut!) But sometimes the B is natural so it will be where it always is. Those C#s on the G string mean high 3rd fingers. Have fun with this easy-ish Christmas song for the violin!


    I hope you enjoy these Christmas carols for the violin. While I love writing out these carols, like all of the sheet music I produce on my website, they take a considerable amount of time to notate, arrange, edit, test-play, and upload. If you would like to download any of these easy Christmas violin songs as PDFS, you can (and much more) when you sign up to my online studio. Try it out here!

    If you are looking for some Christmas violin books, check out these favorites.

    A Fiddling Christmas-full of classic favorites and some great fiddling Christmas jigs and reels. Every song also has harmony accompaniment so a fellow violinist can join along.

    Christmas Melodies for Violin Solo-a great collection of traditional Christmas songs for violin. Many of these songs will be manageable for beginners but it also features some passages for intermediate players as well.

    Enjoy these Christmas tunes for violin this holiday season. What other easy violin Christmas songs would you like sheet music for? Let me know in the comments below! Happy Practicing!

    Mahler Themes for Violin (Free Halloween Violin Sheet Music)

    If you are looking for some lovely, dark and mysterious violins songs for Halloween, look no further than this deliciously tenebrous collection of themes from Mahler’s Symphony No.1, Movement Three.

    If you aren’t familiar with this symphony, listen to the recording. I know you’ll love it!

    All violin Halloween songs are going to be in minor keys. Minor keys always sad, scary or spooky, so of course our Halloween song for this month will be in a minor key!

    There are three types of minor scales and for this song, I’ve chosen a harmonic minor scale since it matches the song best. That means we’ll have a big stretch between the B flat and the C#—so reach for it!
    (If scales are confusing you, my scales course can help you out!)

    The main theme of this movement is repeated over and over again as a round. A round is just a type of duet in which someone starts playing a simple melody, and then two or four measures later, another instrument starts playing the same melody and the theme just gets layered over and over again like the layers on a dark chocolate devil’s food cake.

    One thing that will make this song really sparkle is vibrato. If you’re already using vibrato, I’ll talk about some great sections where you can add it in. And if you’re not learning vibrato, now’s the time to start! Take a look at my violin vibrato course here.

    During the video lesson to this Halloween violin song, I’ve included two play-along tracks. One is just the solo, so feel free to play the duet part with me. Or play along with either part when I play a duet with myself in the next play-along.

    Want new sheet music sent right to your inbox? Sign up for my newsletter below. (You’ll get some free goodies too!)

      Mahler Symphony No. 1 Sheet Music With Warm-Up Scale

      Here’s the free violin sheet music for this Halloween violin song, along with the warm-up D minor scale and arpeggio.

      Download the free Mahler Symphony No. 1 Themes Sheet Music and Warm-Up Scale Here

      Mahler Symphony No. 1 Themes Violin Duet Free Sheet Music

      Grab a friend or play-along with me! The violin duet for makes this spooky song even better!

      Download the free sheet music for Mahler Symphony No. 1 Violin Duet Part Here

      Watch the Video Lesson and Play-Along tracks to this violin song for Halloween below!

      3 Famous Tangos for Violin (With Sheet Music)

      Tangos and violins just go together. There’s something fun and exciting about adding some Spanish flair to your playing. When it comes to tango music for violin, there’s three famous pieces that come to mind. Our first two tangos are from Bizet’s Carmen and the last tango is one that should be on everyone’s “must learn” list. Okay, let’s tango!

      Toreador Sheet Music for Violin

      Let’s start off with the Toreador Song, a famous tune from Carmen. This tango is in F major which means we have one flat, B flat. So think low first fingers on the A and E string.

      (Need some help with F major finger patterns? Click here)

      If you’re learning second position on the violin, the Toreador Song actually fits very well in your hand in second position, since there’s not as many string crossings.

      Notice how all of our violin tangos feature two distinct sections. There’s always a sharp, accented style alternating with a smoother, more legato section. Some tangos start with the accented part, some start with the legato part. See if you pick out the various styles in each violin tango!

      Habanera Sheet Music for Violin

      Our next tango from Carmen gets even saucier! We’re once again in F major but Habanera has lots of accidentals. In the first two measures, you’re moving chromatically which means every note is a half step apart.

      Triplets play an important role in this song. Here’s a little music theory: when you see a group of three 8th notes with a “3” above or below the notes, those are triplets. A triplet is simply a quarter note divided into three equal parts.

      The last line does go up to third position, but if you’re not comfortable with third position not he violin, I’ve also added an optional ending that stays in first position.

      Por una Cabeza Sheet Music for Violin

      Last in our list of 3 famous violin tangos is perhaps the most famous of all, Por tuna Cabeza! This classic tango was featured in the tango scene from Scent of a Woman. This is one tango that you won't be able to stop playing!

      For this tango, we’re in good ole G major, but don’t get too lazy, there’s lots of accidentals. This violin tango features more half step chromaticism, more challenging third position as well as a fun harmonic and a double stop at the end.

      This violin tango has it all! Enjoy Por tuna Cabeza for the violin!

      I hope you enjoy these violin tangos! While I love writing out these songs, like all of the sheet music I produce on my website, they take a considerable amount of time to notation, arrange, edit, test-play, and upload. If you would like to download any of these violin tangos as PDFS, you can (and much more) when you sign up to my online studio. Try it out here!

      Oh The Britches Full of Stitches Easy Fiddle Sheet Music

      How to Play Oh the Britches Full of Stitches on the Fiddle

      This easy fiddle song is so much fun to play and surprisingly easy. It only uses the 1st and 2nd fingers!

      Watch the violin lesson on how to play Oh the Britches Full of Stitches on the fiddle and scroll down to get your free sheet music.

      Oh the Britches Full of Stitches is also a great easy fiddle song to start improvising and adding ornaments and embellishments. The following free tutorial will show you the basics of how to play this fiddle song. In the complete tutorial, I’ll show you how I add slides and double stops to this fun fiddle tune. I’ll also show you a great warm-up scale as well.

      Interested in watching the complete tutorial as well as getting over 800 other lessons for fiddle and classical violin? Sign-up for a my online studio membership.

      Want more violin tutorials sent to your inbox?

      Sign up for my free newsletter below and you’ll get updates anytime I upload new song tutorials (plus get some free violin printable goodies as well!)

      Sign Up for My Free Newsletter Below

        Oh the Britches Free Fiddle Sheet Music

        Download and print the free sheet music here.

        Easy Patriotic Songs for Violin Sheet Music

        Are you looking for easy patriotic violin songs? Maybe some violin songs for July 4th? Look no further. I’ve collected the most popular patriotic songs and arranged them for the violin so they are easy to play. Scroll down for some easy patriotic songs on the violin!

        If you want to download and print all of this music, as well as more patriotic songs for violin, you can with my Online Studio Membership, where you’ll get access to all of my courses and my Sheet Music Library (a collection of over 150 easy, intermediate, and advanced violin songs). Learn more about becoming part of my online studio here!

        1. Marines Hymns Violin Sheet Music

        2. Anchors Aweigh Violin Sheet Music

        Go Navy! Enjoy playing the Navy song on the violin, Anchors Aweigh!

        3. The Wild Blue Yonder Violin Sheet Music

        Okay, this might not be the easiest easy patriotic violin song, but I did the best I could to make it “easier.” You know how it goes, so enjoy playing the Air Force Song on the Violin!

        4. The Army Goes Rolling Along

        5. America the Beautiful Violin Sheet Music

        6. My Country Tis of Thee Violin Sheet Music

        7. Star-Spangled Banner Easy Violin Sheet Music

        I don’t know if the Star Spangled Banner is every easy, but I made it as easy as I could for violin by transposing into the key of G major. Have fun playing the Star-Spangled Banner on the violin this 4th of July!

        How to Play Minuet No. 1 By Bach on the Violin (Free Sheet Music)

        Minuet No. 1 by J.S. Bach is a great song for violin and I’m going to show you how to play this charming classical piece on the violin Scroll down to download the free violin sheet music for Minuet No. 1 by Bach and watch the video tutorial on how to play Minuet No.1 on the violin.

        Want more violin tutorials sent to your inbox?

        Sign up for my free newsletter below and you’ll get updates anytime I upload new song tutorials (plus get some free violin printable goodies as well!)

        Sign Up for My Free Newsletter Below

          Key Signature for Bach Minuet No. 1 on the Violin

          What key is Minuet No. 1 in? G major! That means one sharp, F#. Think “high two, high two, low two, low two” for your finger pattern. High 2nd finger on the G and D strings and low 2nd finger on the A and E strings.

          What Time Signature is Minuet No. 1 In?

          3/4 time! Remember Minuet is a type of dance, so imagine dancing to this song and you’ll get a feel for 3/4 time.

          For more information on time signatures, check out my course Music Theory for Violinists: Everything You Need to Know for Note Reading, Rhythm, and Music Notation. ver 6 and a half hours of lessons to answer all of your questions on music theory!

          Want In-Depth Tutorials on Every Song in Suzuki Book 1?

          I’ll teach you everything you need to know to master every song in Suzuki Book 1. I teach you rhythm, song construction, phrasing and dynamics, bow preparation, as well as measure by measure tutorials, play-along tracks, and duets! Check out the full course here.

          10 Easy Violin Songs for Beginners (With Sheet Music)

          If you are ready to start playing violin, you will need some easy violin songs for beginners with sheet music!

          I’ve complied 10 of my favorite easy violin songs for brand new beginners. These are songs that I teach all of my violin students. You’ll also find that all of these easy to play songs come with easy violin sheet music PDFS! You can view all fo the sheet music here. If you want to download and print my complete book, “Easy Songs for Violin,” you can get it for free! Just sign up for my newsletter below and I’ll send you the free easy violin sheet music PDF as well as some other freebies!

          Sign up for my newsletter to get your free easy songs for violin printable sheet music.

            What are the Notes and Finger Numbers for Every Note in First Position on the Violin?

            First let’s start off with a picture of all the notes, their names, and their finger numbers for every string on the violin. This will help you when it comes to learning easy beginner violin songs.

            The Standard Finger Pattern For Violin

            Almost all of these easy violin songs will have what I call the standard finger pattern for violin. The standard finger pattern is the first finger pattern you learn, in which there’s a whole step in between 1st and 2nd finger and a half step in between 2nd and 3rd finger. That means 2nd and 3rd fingers will touch. We’ll change it up a little bit towards the end!

            Okay, let’s start talking about the best violin songs for beginners! We’ll start off with some easy to recognize songs that are perfect if you are just starting to learn violin.

            1. Hot Cross Buns

            I know every method book and teacher starts off Hot Cross Buns. There’s a reason! This song is super easy to play on the violin since it only uses two fingers. You can literally start playing it in less than a few minutes, even if you know nothing about the violin!

            It will start on 2nd finger. Make sure you “prepare” your fingers by building up to 2nd finger. I’ll show you how. You can play Hot Cross Buns on any string, the finger numbers and pattern will be the exact same.

            I suggest playing these with pizzicato (plucking the strings) if you are a brand new beginner. That way you can focus on the left hand. This is a great violin plucking song if you are just starting out.

            Download this easy violin song PDF ebook here.

            2. Mary Had a Little Lamb

            This is another really easy violin song for beginners because it also only uses 2 fingers. You can play the entire song with just your 1st finger, 2nd finger and an open string. Try playing this easy violin song on any string, the finger patterns will be the same. Keep playing pizzicato if you are a violin beginner. This is another great violin plucking song for brand new violinists.

            Download this easy violin song PDF ebook here.

            3. Boil Them Cabbage Down

            Now to a really fun and easy song that sounds great on the violin! Boil Them Cabbage is a wonderful easy violin folk song that is super easy to play, but has a lot of room for adding in fun things like double stops and tags (extra notes at the end). This is one of those easy violin songs that sounds impressive as you get it faster and faster. Let’s start with the sheet music!

            In this song, you’re going to start using your third finger. Remember, the third finger will go right next to 2nd finger. Again, you can play this super easy fiddle song on any string, it’s the same finger pattern. I also suggest starting off playing this pizzicato so it is another violin plucking song!

            Download this easy violin song PDF ebook here.

            4. Go Tell Aunt Rhodie

            This is another popular song to play on the violin. This great easy violin folk song is the first song in which we start playing on two different strings. If you need help with string crossings, watch this.

            Download this easy violin song PDF ebook here.

            5. Lightly Row

            As you start playing this easy to learn violin song, I want you to try and start leaving fingers down if you can. Think about those first two measures. There’s no reason to lift off your 2nd finger in between measure one and two. Just leave the 2 down and put the 3 right next to it. As you leave fingers down, you might start to have trouble with your left hand fingers hitting other strings. Watch this video to solve those problems!

            If you want a complete tutorial on this song, it’s included in my Suzuki Violin Book One Tutorials.

            Download this easy violin song PDF ebook here.

            6. Frere Jacques

            In this fun little violin folk tune, you’ll start using eighth notes more. Eighth notes are twice as fast as quarter notes. Learn more about music theory here.

            Download this easy violin song PDF ebook here.

            7. Ode to Joy

            Ode to Joy is one of the best easy to learn violin songs for beginners. This is when you really start getting into classical style pieces. You can start using longer bows and more weight to get a good tone. When you get comfortable using lots of bow with a good tone, this is one of those easy violin songs that sounds impressive.

            I suggest using 4th finger when you can. Don’t wait to introduce this finger. Using 4th finger will help you get a straight wrist. Here’s some tips on getting that pesky pinky in tune.

            Download this easy violin song PDF ebook here.

            8. Can-Can

            This has to be one of the funnest easy violin songs to play. Once you learn it, try getting it faster and faster and faster. It will sound really impressive and you won’t stop playing your violin!

            If you want a complete tutorial on this song, this is one of the many song tutorials in my Complete Beginner’s Violin Course.

            Download this easy violin song PDF ebook here.

            9. French Folk Song

            This sweet little violin folk song is so much fun to play on the violin, and it’s very easy to learn. This song is in 3/4 time. It might be one of the first times you’ve seen this time signature in beginner violin sheet music. It’s just three beats in a measure instead of 2 or 4, but you’ll notice songs with this time signature have a lilting, dance-like quality to them. Enjoy one of my favorite easy violin folk songs!

            Download this easy violin song PDF ebook here.

            10. Buffalo Gals

            Next in our list of 10 best easy violin songs for beginners is one of my favorites, Buffalo Gals. This easy violin folk song has one tricky little rhythm, but if you know how it goes, it will be fun and easy to play. I love this song because it’s an easy violin song that sounds impressive.

            That one tricky measure is in measure 10, where the single eighth note comes first. Just play that single eighth note very quick using a small amount of bow.

            Download this easy violin song PDF ebook here.

            I hope you enjoyed my top 10 best easy violin songs for beginners! When you’re ready, check out these other great violin resources for beginners

            How to Play Irish Washerwoman on the Violin (Free Sheet Music)

            Irish Washerwoman is a great song for violin and I’m going to show you how to play this awesome fiddle tune! Scroll down to download the free violin sheet music for Irish Washerwoman and watch the video tutorial on how to play Irish Washerwoman on the violin.

            Key Signature for Irish Washerwoman on the Violin

            What key is Irish Washerwoman in? G major! That means one sharp, F#. Think “high two, high two, low two, low two” for your finger pattern. For more help with key signatures, check out my complete scales course with over 150 lessons on scales.

            What Time Signature is Irish Washerwoman In?

            Irish Washerwoman is in 6/8 time. This time signature is very common for Irish jigs. It means the 8th note gets the beat and there are six 8th notes in a measure. The good thing with Irish Washerwoman is that it’s almost all 8th notes! So the rhythm doesn’t change much.

            For more information on time signatures, check out my course Music Theory for Violinists: Everything You Need to Know for Note Reading, Rhythm, and Music Notation. ver 6 and a half hours of lessons to answer all of your questions on music theory!

            How to Get Irish Washerwoman Faster on the Violin

            The trick to getting Irish Washerwoman faster on the violin is a trick I call “playing in a circle.” Play one measure at a time very slowly but repeat that one measure, like playing in a loop or circle. Once you can play it cleanly at a slow tempo, gradually speed each measure up.

            Want more violin tutorials sent to your inbox?

            Sign up for my free newsletter below and you’ll get updates anytime I upload new song tutorials (plus get some free violin printable goodies as well!)

            Sign Up for My Free Newsletter Below

              Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing (Free Sheet Music for Violin)

              If you want to learn to play Come Thou Fount on the violin, you’re in the right place! This hymn is absolutely gorgeous on the violin. I’m going to teach you how to play Come Thou Fount for the violin in first position and in third position.

              For even more easy hymns along with intermediate third position parts, join my online studio to download my hymn book, Favorite Hymns for Violin. It has over 50 of my favorite hymns transposed into easy to read key signatures for violin. You’ll get Favorite Hymns for Violin in addition to several other downloadable violin books and over 200+ songs and sheet music for violin.

              More Third Position Resources for Violin

              Third position on the violin allows you to play two higher notes! But it does much more than that. You’ll notice some songs, like Come Thou Fount can be played entirely up in third position very comfortably. You can even play those notes you usually play in first position still in third position. Try it! I think you’ll like it!

              Check out these other articles and videos on learning third position!

              What is Third Position on the Violin and Why is it Hard?

              Easy Scales in Third Position for the Violin

              Want more violin tutorials like Come Thou Fount sent to your inbox?

              Sign up for my free newsletter below and you’ll get updates anytime I upload new song tutorials (plus get some free violin printable goodies as well!)

              Sign Up for My Free Newsletter Below

                Christ the Lord is Risen Today (Free Easter Sheet Music for Violin)

                If you are looking for some perfect Easter hymns for the violin, Christ the Lord is Risen Today is a great one!

                For even more easy hymns along with intermediate third position parts, join my online studio to download my hymn book, Favorite Hymns for Violin. It has over 50 of my favorite hymns transposed into easy to read key signatures for violin. You’ll get Favorite Hymns for Violin in addition to several other downloadable violin books and over 200+ songs and sheet music for violin.

                Key Signature for Christ the Lord is Risen Today on the Violin

                Christ the Lord is in the key of D major. That’s F# and C#. For more scale lessons check out my complete scales course with over 150 lessons on scales.

                Practice Spots for Christ the Lord on Violin

                In the tutorial, I’ll talk about locating your practice spots for any song. In this Easter hymn for violin, the practice spots are the measures with 8th notes! Practice those measures first!

                Want more violin tutorials sent to your inbox?

                Sign up for my free newsletter below and you’ll get updates anytime I upload new song tutorials (plus get some free violin printable goodies as well!)

                Sign Up for My Free Newsletter Below

                  60 Easy Songs for Violin (With Real Sheet Music)

                  Here are 60 of my favorite easy songs for beginner violin. If you are just starting to learn violin, having lots of easy violin songs to play will help keep your motivation going! I’ve made a collection of 60 easy violin songs for beginners. There’s plenty of easy violin sheet music here to keep you busy for a while!

                  I’ve transposed all of these songs into easy to play key signatures for the violin and I’ve also included a first position note guide and a key signature reference guide for finger patterns in every key signature.

                  Enjoy the free sheet music for all of these violin songs! While I love creating these violin arrangements, they do take a considerable amount of time to notate, arrange, edit, test-play, and upload. If you want to download and print all of this music (and much more), you can with my Online Studio Membership, where you’ll get access to all of my courses and my Sheet Music Library (a collection of over 200 easy, intermediate, and advanced violin songs). Learn more about becoming part of my online studio here!

                  I’ve separated these easy violin songs for beginners into a few categories. To jump ahead, click below.

                  Violin Note Guide and Key Signature Reference

                  Brand New Beginner Violin Sheet Music

                  Traditional Violin Songs

                  Easy Fiddle Sheet Music and Irish Songs for Violin

                  Easy Classical Songs for Violin

                  Intermediate Traditional and Irish Songs for Violin

                  Easy Hymns for Violin

                  Easy Violin Christmas Songs

                  Violin Note Guide

                  These are all of the notes that you may need for the easy violin songs below. These are all of the notes in first position on the violin. You may find this helpful if you are teaching yourself violin. The finger numbers are above the notes.

                  This key signature reference guide may look confusing. It just tells you the finger pattern for every key signature. Those little arrows mean the fingers are half steps apart, or they’re touching on the violin fingerboard. Need more explanation? My Creative Scales Course covers all of these scales and finger patterns in detail.

                  Brand New Beginner Violin Sheet Music

                  Now on to the 60 easy violin songs for beginners! This first group of easy songs for violin can be played by brand new beginners. Use the first position violin note guide above to help you know where to put your fingers.

                  If you’re not quite ready for note reading yet, or maybe you just want some even easier songs for violin, check out my Easiest Violin Songs Ever (Violin Tab—No Note Reading).

                  1. Boil Them Cabbage Down

                  2. Can-Can

                  3. French Folk Song

                  4. Go Tell Aunt Rhodie

                  5. Hot Cross Buns

                  Need some more help learning how to play these songs for violin? I’ll show you everything you need to know in my Complete Beginner’s Violin Course. Click below to learn more!

                  6. Lightly Row

                  7. Mary Had a Little Lamb

                  8. Oh! Susanna

                  9. O Come, Little Children

                  10. Sweet Betsy From Pike

                  11. Buffalo Gals

                  Traditional Violin Songs

                  This collection of traditional easy violins songs includes lots of old time favorite fiddle tunes and traditional songs that everyone enjoys. Want to download these songs? Check out my Sheet Music Library in my online studio where you can download all of these songs plus dozens more!

                  Interested in more traditional violin songs? Check out my other collections below

                  3 Easy Fiddle Tunes

                  Stephen Foster Songs for Violin

                  12. Home on the Range

                  13. Maiden’s Prayer

                  14. Camptown Races

                  15. Yankee Doodle

                  16. Yellow Rose of Texas

                  17. Scarborough Fair

                  18. Redwing

                  19. Lorena

                  Easy Fiddle and Irish Songs Sheet Music

                  Everyone loves these classic easy fiddle tunes for violin. Sometimes I’ll start out with an easy version of the fiddle tune and then give you some embellishment options, like in Old Joe Clark below.

                  You may also be interested in:

                  Slow Easy Fiddle Tunes

                  Scottish Fiddle Tunes

                  Sheet Music Library

                  20. Old Joe Clark

                  21. Cripple Creek

                  22. Oh, The Britches Full of Stitches

                  23. Soldier’s Joy

                  24. John Ryan’s Polka

                  25. Midnight on the Water

                  Easy Classical Songs for Violin

                  If you would like to learn some easy classical songs for the violin, here’s of few of the easier classical songs for violin.

                  If you would like more wonderful options for easy classical songs, check out my collection of Classical Songs for Violin.

                  Easy Songs from Classical Music for Violin

                  Sheet Music Library

                  26. Merry Widow Waltz

                  27. All Through the Night

                  28. Brahms’ Lullaby

                  29. Donna Nobis Pacem

                  Intermediate Fiddle and Irish Songs Sheet Music

                  Now we’re going to get into some slightly more advanced traditional and Irish songs for violin. I consider many of these songs to still be appropriate for beginner level violinists, but you’ll find some have tricky rhythms, advanced note reading concepts, and other items that make these songs a little tricky.

                  30. Michael Row Your Boat Ashore

                  31. My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean

                  Want to play a super easy duet with me on the violin? I’ve got a duet included in my Complete Beginner’s Course for My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean.

                  32. Santa Lucia

                  Want to play a super easy Santa Lucia duet on the violin? I’ve got one included in my Complete Beginner’s Course.

                  33. The Man on the Flying Trapeze

                  34. Volga Boatman

                  35. Wayfairing Stranger

                  36. What Do You Do With a Drunken Sailor

                  37. Ash Grove

                  38. Danny Boy

                  38. Wild Mountain Thyme (Will You Go, Lassie)

                  39. Whiskey in the Jar

                  40. The Wild Rover

                  I’ve got a video tutorial on this fun Irish fiddle song in my studio!

                  41. Rosin the Bow

                  42. Black Velvet Band

                  43. Angeline the Baker

                  44. Old Folks at Home

                  45. Hard Times Come Again No More

                  46. Devil’s Dream

                  47. The Parting Glass

                  48. Swallowtail Jig

                  Swallowtail Jig is one of the most popular easy fiddle tunes ever! And for good reason. It’s a ton of fun to play on the violin, ahem, I mead fiddle. I’ve got a full tutorial on Swallowtail Jig as part of my membership, along with many other song tutorials. Check it out here.

                  49. Aura Lee

                  Enjoy my free video tutorial and scale warm-up on Aura Lee here.

                  Aura Lee Tutorial and Scale Warm-Up

                  Easy Hymns for Vioiln Sheet Music

                  You can also download my free book of violin hymns. Enjoy over 50 classic hymns transposed just for violin. And for those of you who are interested in learning third position, this hymn book also features additional verses in higher octaves, perfect for third position!

                  Get the free book, Favorite Hymns for the Violin here.

                  50. Be Thou My Vision

                  51. Come Thou Fount

                  52. Count Your Blessings

                  53. He Leadeth Me

                  54. Jesus Loves Me

                  55. How Firm a Foundation

                  56. Blest Be the Tie That Binds

                  57. Amazing Grace

                  Easy Christmas Songs for Violin Sheet Music

                  Below you’ll find just a taste of easy Christmas songs for violin. I’ve got lots of Christmas songs for violin in my online studio, Sheet Music Library as well.

                  58. Jolly Old St. Nicholas

                  59. Silent Night

                  60. Joy to the World

                  Congratulations! You’ve made it to the end. Hopefully you’ll find something in these 60 Songs for Violin to keep you busy! Feel free to search through my collection of Free Sheet Music here.

                  By the way, you can print and download ALL of this music when you join my online membership. You’ll get access to all of my courses as well as my sheet music library with over 150 Songs for violin, ranging from easy to intermediate and advanced.

                  Want to learn more about how you can transform your playing with my online studio? Click below to learn more.

                  Meadowlark Violin Online Studio Membership

                  Happy Practicing!


                  Easy Scales in Third Position for the Violin

                  If you are starting to learn third position then it’s time to start practicing third position scales on the violin. You’ll notice certain key signatures make more sense in certain positions. For instance, with first position scales on the violin, the keys of G, D, and A major make a lot of sense. In second position, the keys of B and F major seem to fit well. With third position scales on the violin, C major, G major, and D major feel very comfortable.

                  This is one reason why we generally teach third position on the violin after first position. Since first position favors most of the same key signatures, it makes sense to learn third position next.

                  Now if you’re not familiar with scale theory, learning third position scales might be pretty tricky. Don’t worry, if you need to brush up on how scales work, watch the following video for a quick overview. By the way, every violinist should know the half step patterns in scales. It will make the violin instantly make more sense! I talk about this in depth in my Creative Scales Course for the Experimental Violinist (part of my online studio).

                  Many people find third position difficult to learn, and I think that’s because they don’t truly understand the language of the violin. And if you don’t understand how to “speak the language” then learning advanced concepts like third position will always be a challenge. My Online Violin Studio has several courses that will help you “speak the language” like a native speaker!

                  Courses That Will Help You Learn Third Position

                  Let’s start off with the easiest one octave scales in third position.

                  Easy One Octave Third Position Violin Scales

                  C Major Scale in Third Position on the Violin

                  First off, let’s learn the C major scale in third position. Now if you know the universal scale finger pattern that I talk about in my violin third position course, this makes so much more sense! Basically, the universal finger pattern involves two strings with the same finger pattern on both strings. There will be a whole step between the first and second fingers, a whole step between the second and third fingers, and a half step between the third and fourth fingers. You can play this universal finger pattern pretty much anywhere on the violin (just don’t start on the E string) and you’ll get a scale.

                  Okay, on your violin fingerboard, start on the G string and let’s build our way up to third position. Play open string, then 1st, 2nd, and 3rd fingers. You should be on a C. Now replace that 3rd finger and put a 1st finger where the 3rd finger was. Tada! You’re in third position!

                  (P.S. It’s VERY important when you are starting to learn third position to always prep your notes. Start in first position and build up, then replace the notes. I go over this a lot in my course to make it easy to hear and understand.)

                  Now that you are up in third position, play that universal scale pattern up to 4th finger and the next string, then come back down and you’ve got an easy C major scale in third position!

                  By the way, those little arrows mean half steps!

                  Easy G Major Violin Scale in Third Position

                  Next is a one octave G major scale in third position and the good news is that it’s just like the C major scale you just played, only it starts on the D string instead. So remember, prep your notes in first position, replace the third finger with the first finger and you’re ready to play the G major scale in third position.

                  Easy D Major Violin Scale in Third Position

                  Next up is the D major scale in third position and yep, you guessed it. It has the exact same finger pattern as the C and G scales. See what I mean about knowing that universal scale finger pattern? It really shows up all over the violin fingerboard. The fun thing with the D major scale in third position is that you will gain two notes that you didn’t have down in first position. Those two high notes are C sharp and D.

                  Ready to Master Third Position?

                  I’ll teach you how! Click below to learn more.

                  Two Octave Violin Scales in Third Position

                  Two Octave C Major Scale in Third Position

                  Now that you’ve learned the first octave of the C major scale in third position, let’s learn the second octave! If you remember that your half step pairs in the key of C major are between B and C and in between E and F, then you’ll realize why you change finger patterns for the A and E strings. On the A and E strings, your 2nd and 3rd fingers will touch. Just go up to the third finger on the E string (the C) then go back down.

                  Two Octave D Major Scale in Third Position

                  You’ve already learned the higher octave of the D major third position scale, so now let’s learn the lower octave. The bottom octave is a little bit trickier. It starts on 2nd finger on the G string, so build up to 4th finger D in first position, then replace the 4th finger with the 2nd finger (test it against your open D to make sure it’s in tune). Now you’re ready to play the scale, but remember, D major has two sharps, C sharp and F sharp. That means those 4th finger on the G and D strings in third position are going to be sharp which means you are going to have to stretch for them!

                  Those scales are the easiest violin scales in third position. If you’re ready to learn more about third position, my Third Position course will show you all the tips and tricks to master third position that you NEVER learn in private lessons. Click here to learn more!

                  Happy Practicing!

                  5 Spooky Violin Songs for Halloween (Free Sheet Music)

                  Nothing quite says “spooky Halloween songs” like a lone, slightly out of tune violin. Classical music is full of some really macabre pieces, but trying to find some that sound good on a solo violin is…well…not an easy walk in the graveyard. However, I’ve scoured the classical music repertoire for 5 spooky violin songs that are perfect for Halloween. I wish I could call these songs “easy” Halloween violin songs, but alas, all creepy songs are in minor keys. That’s just the way of life. And minor being slightly more torturous than major keys, these spooky songs can get tricky.

                  If you’re struggling with minor keys, check out my scales course here where I explain minor keys in detail!

                  Unfortunately, some of my favorite Halloween pieces from classical music couldn’t make it on to my list of Halloween violin songs. Simply because they were a nightmare to transcribe. But please listen to these wonderfully macabre pieces from the classical music world. No Halloween playlist is complete without them.

                  1. Mussorgsky: Night on Bald Mountain: Classic creepy Halloween song that will make you harken back to Disney’s “Fantasia.”

                  2. Verdi’s Dies Irae.

                  3. Mozart’s Dies Irae. Mozart’s entire Requiem (his final composition) is worth a listening to, especially on a dark, stormy night.

                  4. Berlioz’s Dream of a Witches’ Sabbath from Symphonie Fantastique. One of my favorites. Complete with tolling church bells. Epic.

                  Okay, let’s start off with the easiest Halloween song for Violin!

                  While I love creating these violin arrangements, they do take a considerable amount of time to notate, arrange, edit, test-play, and upload. If you want to download and print all of this music (and much more), you can with my Online Studio Membership, where you’ll get access to all of my courses and my Sheet Music Library (a collection of over 200 easy, intermediate, and advanced violin songs). Learn more about becoming part of my online studio here!

                  1. Theme from Mahler Symphony No. 1 (Free Violin Sheet Music)

                  This theme is like a twisted, sinister version of Frere Jacques. During the real symphony, it’s played by a bass solo and it is EPIC! Listen to the entire movement—it’s both ominous and beautiful!

                  I transposed this spooky violin song to E minor to be easier to play on the violin. Like Frere Jacques, it can be played as a round, so grab your fellow ghouls and have a grand time. Just have the second person always start two measures behind the first person.


                  2. In the Hall of the Mountain King Free Violin Sheet Music

                  Our next Halloween violin song is a classic creepy tune. We’re in E minor again so enjoy LOTS of D sharps! What is that weird little marking on the second to last measure, you say? That’s tremolo. It means play right at the tip of your bow and make your hand tremble like you’ve just seen a ghost. Voila! Tremolo!


                  3. Toccata and Fugue in D Minor Violin Music

                  Okay, let’s face it. Bach’s famous organ piece, Toccata and Fugue in D minor is not exactly what I would call an “easy” Halloween song for violin. Take one look at an organ’s gaping mouth of keys and pedals waiting to devour you and you’ll realize there is no possible way to easily transcribe an organ piece for violin. However, I have tried, my faithful followers. I have tried.

                  This is an abridged version, if that’s not obvious. We’re in D minor now….I can’t believe I just typed that. Of course we’re in D minor! You don’t need me to tell you that!

                  The good news about this spooky song is that it is free-flowing and rhapsodic. Think crazed maniac in a cape pounding on the organ at midnight and you’ll get the right vibe. So take your time and enjoy!


                  4. Montagues and Capulets Violin Sheet Music

                  This piece has to be one of my absolute favorites in classical music. It’s deliciously sinister. A single violin can’t really match the grandeur and power of this piece when played by a whole symphony. So please, listen to the real version and crank up the speakers.

                  I’ve transposed this into E minor for ease of playing on the violin. I also had to bump some of the notes down an octave to keep it in first position. However, if you’re ready for third position and a little more challenging music, I’ll give you the “expanded” edition of this piece as well.


                  5. Danse Macabre Easy Violin Sheet Music

                  No list of Halloween songs for violin would be complete without this wonderfully creepy violin piece by Saint-Saens. Unfortunately, I had to keep it in the key of G minor, so you’re going to have to deal with two flats.

                  Danse Macabre means “Dance of Death” and as you’re playing it you may feel like that’s exactly what you’re doing. Let me talk you through this madness.

                  I’ve divided the song into different sections. This piece is also rhapsodic, so pick and choose which ones you want to play. If some are harder than others, just leave them out.

                  The A section has a lot of open strings. If playing double stops is bothering you, just play the top notes.

                  The B section is definitely the hardest. Take your time. You’ll have lots of “low 1s” for the B flats and “high 3s” for the G sharps.

                  C section is easier and more like a demented little waltz. I love this part. Lots of accidentals, but nothing too paranormal.

                  The D part is the final section and it pretty much recaps the A section.

                  The good news about this Halloween song for violin is that, even if it’s slightly out of tune, that just adds to the spooky vibe. So enjoy those slightly out-of-tune notes!

                  How to Play Swallowtail Jig on the Violin (Free Sheet Music)

                  Swallowtail Jig is perhaps one of the most famous of all Irish fiddle music jigs. It’s peppy and dance-like but also has a distinctive minor quality, which I think adds to its allure. If you have been wanting to learn how to play Swallowtail Jig on the violin, this song of the month is for you!

                  During this lesson you’ll learn an E minor scale in 6/8 time to match Swallowtail Jig. Learn tips and tricks to make the E minor arpeggio a cinch.

                  (If scales are confusing you, check out my guided scales course here.)

                  Then we’ll talk through several practice items to make Swallowtail jig easy on the violin. I’ll also show you some ornaments, slides, and turns you can add in to make this jig sound great on the fiddle!

                  If you want to play Swallowtail Jig as a fiddle duet, scroll down for an easy duet part!

                  Want to get the song of the month sent right to your inbox? Sign up for my newsletter below. (You’ll get some free goodies too!)

                    Swallowtail Jig Free Fiddle Sheet Music With Warm-Up Scale

                    Here’s the free fiddle sheet music for Swallowtail Jig, along with the warm-up E minor scale and arpeggio.

                    Download the free Swallowtail Jig Sheet Music and Warm-Up Scale Here

                    Swallowtail Jig Fiddle Duet

                    Grab a friend or play-along with me! The fiddle duet for Swallowtail Jig is pretty easy so you can play-along with the main part even if you’re not quite ready to tackle all those notes in the real jig. Plus, playing Swallowtail Jig as a duet is tons of fun!

                    Download the free sheet music for Swallowtail Jig Violin Duet Part Here

                    Watch the Video Lesson and Play-Along tracks below!

                    Easy Stephen Foster Songs for Violin (Free Sheet Music)

                    Stephen Foster wrote over 200 songs in his short life. I’ve picked out 7 of my favorite Stephen Foster Songs for violin. You’ll find all 7 of these Stephen Foster songs are relatively easy for violin since I transposed the sheet music into easy key signatures for the fiddle. Scroll down for free Stephen Foster fiddle sheet music, but first…

                    Who Was Stephen Foster?

                    We’ve all heard of “Camptown Races” and “Oh Susanna” since we were children. You’ve probably become familiar with some of his beautiful tunes like “Jeanie with the Light Brown Hair” or “Beautiful Dreamer.” Stephen Foster may be one of America’s most popular songwriters, but his short 37 years were filled with contradictions. He’s known as “the father of American Music” even though he never took any formal composition courses. Many of his songs feature Southern themes even though he only visited the South once. His compositions remain popular today and are played on nearly every instrument in both classical and country settings. You might argue he’s the most successful American songwriter, and yet, he had no formal training in music and taught himself to play the many instruments he knew.

                    I love those contradictions. I think they add to the beauty of these simple, yet timeless tunes.

                    Let’s jump right in and talk about my 7 favorite Stephen Foster songs for violin!

                    All of these songs are available for download on my Sheet Music Library as part of my online studio membership. Click here to learn more.

                    Camptown Races for Violin (Free Sheet Music)

                    Let’s start with the easiest Stephen Foster song for violin, Camptown Races.

                    Camptown Races is in the key of G major, which means you’ll have “low 2s” on the A and E strings. If you can do 4th fingers on the A string for those E’s, great. That will save you a string crossing. If not, using open E is fine too.

                    (If you’re confused about key signatures and low 2s and high 2s and all that confusing fingerboard “stuff,” check out my scales course! Trust me, it will all make sense!)

                    Join my membership to download the Violin Sheet Music for Camptown Races.

                    Oh! Susanna Free Violin Sheet Music

                    Next up on our list of easy Stephen Foster songs for violin, “Oh! Susanna.” I’ve always enjoyed this song since I’m from Alabama, although I’ve never played banjo. This song doesn’t have a lot of “gotchas.” It’s in the key of D major, the favorite key of every violinist. So sit back, and enjoy playing this easy Stephen Foster fiddle tune!

                    Old Folks At Home (Swanee River) Free Violin Sheet Music

                    “Old Folks at Home,” a.k.a “Swanee River” is another easy Stephen Foster song for violin. You’ll notice a lot of repletion which makes this an easy fiddle tune. Once you get that first line down, you’ve got most of the song learned. We’re in D major again so that mean’s “high 2s” on the D and A strings.

                    The only thing to note is that you should “swing the 8th notes.” I could have written this song with the 8th notes written as dotted 8th/16th notes, but that would have made it look more confusing. If you know this song, you’ll recognize that the 8th notes in that first measure aren’t all equal. You’ll need to swing them, which means making the first 8th note longer and the second 8th note shorter. Long-short-long-short. Sometimes hearing the rhythm in your head is so much easier than seeing all those dots and extra lines when it’s printed.

                    Enjoy this easy violin tune!

                    Angeline the Baker Violin Sheet Music

                    Angeline the Baker is a classic Stephen Foster tune for fiddle. It’s popular in bluegrass playing for good reason. Once you get this fiddle tune down, you can really let it fly. It’s in D major so after you’re through repeating it as many times as you like, just play a “D” at the end you’ll be set.

                    Beautiful Dreamer Free Violin Sheet Music

                    Now we’re getting down to my real favorites. I think Stephen Foster’s slow, lyrical songs sound absolutely breath-taking on the violin. Add a little vibrato and you can turn this simple song into something that can literally make you shed a tear.

                    (New to vibrato? Check out my vibrato course here!)

                    Let’s talk about the few “gotchas” in Beautiful Dreamer for violin. First off, look at that C# in measure 4. That’s probably the most awkward note in the song. It’s a “high 3rd finger” on the G string. Stretch for it, no I mean really stretch for it! It’s usually higher up there than you think. I wouldn’t worry about 4th fingers for those D’s that bookend the C#, just play open D. But use the open D to allow you the time to stretch for that C#.

                    We’re in C major which means low 2s all around. And those long tied notes? Yep, just asking for a little vibrato!

                    Jeanie with the Light Brown Hair (Free Violin Sheet Music)

                    Another one of my favorite Stephen Foster songs that sounds absolutely beautiful on the violin. This lyrical tune is smooth and flowing and perfect for vibrato practice.

                    Alright, let’s talk about Jeanie with the Light Brown Hair for violin. First off, I really struggled with what key to put this fiddle tune in. G major is the best fit for the left hand but I hate that first note is on an E. You have two options, neither of which are great. Start on an open E, but just don’t play it super loud or it will sound shrill. Or play it with a 4th finger on A. But take your time. Set up the 4th finger and test it by lightly plucking before you play with the bow.

                    Since we’re in G major, your finger pattern will be “High 2, High 2, Low 2, Low 2.” That’s my mantra for G major: high 2s on the G and D strings, low 2s on the A and E strings.

                    Jeanie with the Light Brown Hair is very free-flowing with a lot of ritards and fermatas (where you hold the note for however long you see fit—like the first note). Imagine yourself singing this song and you will instantly hear where you need to slow it down and speed it up again.

                    Other than that, sprinkle in some vibrato and enjoy!

                    Hard Times Come Again No More Free Violin Sheet Music

                    Lastly on our list of Stephen Foster fiddle tunes, my absolute favorite, “Hard Times Come Again No More.” I think this one always gets me because the lyrics are so poignant and memorable. Add to the lyrics the heart-wrenching, plaintive quality of the song and you have a timeless classic.

                    This song always makes me realize, no matter how bad I think I have it, I really don’t have it that bad. It takes me back through the years and makes me imagine all the heart ache of previous generations. It makes me incredibly grateful for the wonderful quality of life I enjoy.

                    I’m not a great harmonica player. In fact, I know two songs and this is one of them. But I love playing it on harmonica. It fits the instrument so well. (Side note: don’t ever try to play harmonica while flying on a long cross-country by yourself a couple thousand feet in the air. I’ve tried it. Not a good idea…)

                    Let’s get into “Hard Times Come Again No More.” Like the song says, this is a dirge. You can let the rhythm ebb and flow, no need to be super exact. Think of it like an a cappella singer and you’ll paint the right picture. I like to add a little ritard at the end of each phrase (before the rests) for a nice semi-ending before continuing on. We’re in good ole D major here so you can focus more on bow and tone quality for this slow, lovely tune.

                    I hope you enjoyed these lovely Stephen Fosters songs for the violin. Let me know what other songs you would like to see.

                    ~Happy Practicing!

                    How to Play Shenandoah on the Violin (Free Sheet Music)

                    This month, learn how to play a beautiful American folk song on the fiddle, Shenandoah! Shenandoah is tricky since it’s slow and there’s some difficult tied notes. Watch the video for my tips on how to practice tied notes.

                    I’ve also included an easy violin duet part for Shenandoah so if you’re just starting out, or if you want to enjoy some nice harmony, try it out!

                    Want to get the song of the month sent right to your inbox? Sign up for my newsletter below. (You’ll get some free goodies too!)

                      How to Play Red Haired Boy (Jolly Beggar Man) on the Violin: Free Sheet Music

                      This month’s song is an old traditional Irish fiddle tune that is also a popular bluegrass favorite: Red Haired Boy, also known as the Jolly Beggar Man.

                      This tune has the typical swinging dotted 8th note rhythm of the hornpipe. In this rhythm, the eighth notes follow a pattern in which the first eighth note is slightly longer than the second eighth note.

                      Some violin players find the notation of dotted eighth notes and sixteenth notes quite overwhelming to read. Sometimes it is simpler to see the song in plain eighth notes and add your own “swing” to the eighth notes. I’ve included two version of the fiddle warm-up and song in this month’s song of the month so you can pick which one you like!

                      Click here to download The Red Haired Boy free violin sheet music!

                      Watch the video lesson and play-along tracks for Red Haired Boy below.


                      If you enjoy the song of the month violin lesson and you would like to donate to Meadowlark Violin, you can “Buy Me a Coffee.” No, I don’t buy fancy coffees, but your contribution helps me to continue to provide free violin resources. Thank you!

                      Buy Me A Coffee

                      Or if you prefer to use PayPal, donate using the link below. Thank you a million more times!